Rosann Kovalcik, Store Owner, Available for Speaking Engagements!

Rosann Kovalick is an avid birder and Master Gardener. Aside from running her store, birding, managing her yard, and spending time with family, our store owner Rosann enjoys speaking about topics she loves, including (but not limited to):

  • Avian Courtship Behaviors
  • A Beginner's Guide to Feeder Birds
  • Berries, Bugs & Snags
  • Bird Feeding Choices from Simple to Advanced
  • Birds of Grosse Pointe
  • Birds in Spring
  • Feeding Birds in Winter
  • Gardening to Attract Hummingbirds
  • The Joy of Bird Feeding
  • Landscaping to Attract Birds
  • Nesting Birds
  • Woodpeckers - Nature's Carpenters

Rosann has spoken in various settings:

  • Assisted living centers
  • Audubon events/meetings
  • Beautification Committees
  • Church groups
  • Civic organizations
  • Garden clubs
  • Schools

Rosann's residential property is a testament to her knowledge and experience with gardening for birds. In fact, her property was featured in the May-June 2016 issue of Grosse Pointe Magazine. In an article written by Lauren McGregor, Rosann talks about the importance of native plants and pesticide-free gardening for increasing the bird count in her yard. Through dedicated changes to making it a truly bird-friendly habitat, she has been able to increase her backyard species from 100 to 139! 

"Your presentation was very well received!!! I heard so much positive feedback. You have inspired many of us to make our yards more of a habitat for birds." -Marolee Nueberger, Jackson County Master Gardeners Association

"Your presentation was awesome.  I was so inspired that I came home and told my husband we had to add fruit bushes for the birds." -Kit Puroll, Gennessee Master Gardeners

Looking for a speaker for your event or know someone who is?

Email Rosann at [email protected]